Monday, August 19, 2019

6 Warnings Signs for recognize the autism spectrum


1--> Note your baby's facial expression. By 7 months old, typical babies express happiness and smile. A baby's first smile often occurs even before 3 months. If a baby doesn't follow objects with its eyes by 3 months, this could be a very early indicator of autism. Observe their other facial expressions. By 9 months old, babies communicate with others by displaying certain expression like grimacing, pouting and grinning to fit their mood.
2--> Notice when babbling begins. Babies that develop typically will babble by the time they are 7 months old. The noise might not make any sense. It is common for babies to make repetitive sounds, but autistic babies will make different sounds and rhythms. By seven months, non-autistic children are able to laugh and make squealing sounds

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