Saturday, August 24, 2019

Warning signs of dengue


Let’s Know 7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is a type of viral infection that spreads through two specific species mosquitoes called “Aedes azipi” and “Aedes albopeptus”. Every year, the number of people suffering from dengue fever has reached the global proportion. A recent assessment by the World Health Organization suggests that 40 million new cases of dengue are recorded every year, through this information you will able to know about 7 warning signs of dengue fever. Why Is Dengue? Dengue fever is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquito. No vaccine has been found so far to avoid this disease, so doctors consider the prevention of dengue mosquitoes as a better way. Aedes mosquito bites during the day, so avoid mosquitoes at home at all. Usually, this mosquito brew in the clean water collected in gums, coolers, and tires so do not let the water in the house or anywhere around you be gathered. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

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